Monday, July 9, 2012

Ravindra Swarupa victims, please step forward


Open Letter to the GBC


You should be advised that you are being given fair warning. I am very serious about this matter of abuse by Ravindra Svarupa dasa being dealt with immediately. We have not heard anything back yet, including an issued public apology or any official public promise of an investigation. The Chairman of the GBC needs to immediately issue a public statement of investigation on the Internet. The civil authorities are going to be involved and if you think they will not take it seriously, then just do a search on what is going on in Pennsylvania in regard to abuse cases recently (e.g. Archdiocese of Philadelphia and Penn State). This is especially in regard to not dealing with abuse allegations in a prompt way or attempting to cover them up. And the first thing the authorities are going to wonder is why nothing has been issued publicly by the leadership yet.

Of course, it is of no surprise to me or most other devotees in ISKCON. None of the ISKCON Resolve emails even worked and basically none of the GBC's emails are public so how could anyone even make a complaint of abuse of power to begin with? What to speak about being assured of any level of transparency or expedience in what is going on given ISKCON leadership's sordid history. And I also have my own allegations of abuse of power by Ravindra Svarupa against me that are going to be released shortly. And I am encouraging anyone else who has been victimized by him to come forward. It is really ironic and insulting that Ravindra Svarupa was one of the main people pontificating about abuses of power at your various seminars on Pastoral Abuse. Such hypocrisy.

It is time for the members of this movement to stand up against those who lord it over the devotees of the Lord. This is such an extreme example of this: violently kicking a devotee with your foot as they were about to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead. I firmly believe in the statement that "Where there is coercion, the will of God is not." Using fear and violence to induce a person's service is one of the grossest violations of the principles of Bhakti and all devotees should firmly stand up against it.

In the Service of the Vaishnavas and the Lord,
Mahapurusha dasa


  1. Just another orchestration to make ex-ISKCONites stay away from ISKCON. They think they fleeced you and don't want you to show up there anymore. Thats all. They ripped you off and simply want you to refrain from going there for the rest of your life. Got it? Btw, they also have their allies among Prabhupadanugas - always busy making sure that all those ex-members who were taken to the cleaner's stay where they are.
    What do we learn from this? Why these folks suffer from panic attack, are hyperventilating? Stone crushing wheels on Yamaraja's planet are booting up to receive those gentlemen.

    1. Are you all chanting sixteen rounds every day and truly following four regulative principles? That is first thing
      Srila Prabhupada would ask.


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