Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Ocean liner going over the falls update

Dear ***** prabhu, Sorry, Aindra prabhu was saying he was going to be burned at the stake, and you supported the regime that was repressing him. The children also said they were being abused, and you supported the regime that has been repressing them. 

One of the media people said to me in an interview that ISKCON was like a big ocean liner full of people and children, and you (Puranjan) tried to alert the leaders they were driving the ship off the Niagara falls and many people would be hurt or die, but instead of helping you, the leaders tossed you off the ship and -- most of the other passengers ignored you, or worse the other passengers acquiesced with the leaders, which simply helped the ship go over the falls. OK those who acquiesced, that would be you. 

And for the record, yes you are correct, Krishna Kanta (IRM) totally objected when we said we have to save the ISKCON molested children from suicide, he thought saving them was the worst idea he ever heard, because at the time he was trying to "work out a deal" with the GBC. 

He has been more interested in his "deal making with the molester messiahs program" -- than worrying about dead children. No, I did not agree with him. I said we need to help the children and we did, the suicides dropped quite a lot after we brought their issues to light. KK also objected when we brought forward the poison issue, and he started a "lets save the poisoners" program, yes in that sense he also helped drive the ship off the water falls. 

He has recovered somewhat from that mistake, but not totally. He is another acquesing type, he has never fully adopted our idea, and so he has helped cause the mass victimization by his compromise program. He is with us only in part, he is also in part with your camp at the same time. Anyway, you have avoided our question, what have you accomplished by your acquiescing? ys pd

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