Monday, May 27, 2013

GBC gurus hi-jacked devotee's retirement situation

  • ***** Dasi: Here in Florida, we won't be seeing the Medicaid expansion and I hate to say it, but it will hit the devotees here hard. B/C health care alternate programs are being phased out in anticipation of "The Affordable Care Act." Many older devotees here simply did not plan for their retirement, and therefore they don't qualify for Medicare or Social Security, unless they are disabled. I don't know what is going to happen to them.

1 comment:

  1. In his zone Harikes enforced sankirtan devotees to legally take up the status of self-employed, freelance staff members (itinerant trade license). He argued that this was the only way to legally distribute Prabhupada's books. In this way Harikes legally tricked all sankirtan devotees out of ISKCON although full-time working for ISKCON. Without knowing all sankirtan devotees became independent contractors, from legal point of view not actually members of ISKCON anymore. Of course their position was rather pseudo self-employment or quasi self-employment because de facto they lived and worked within ISKCON. No pay into retirement provision, no health insurance coverage. All those devotees who collected for 10, 15, 20 years for ISKCON have zero entitlement to a pension, no right to pension. What present ISKCON does, to carefully keep all those collected properties under control and keep silent. In other words, ISKCON says, if you were so stupid to work for many years within ISKCON and now find yourself without pension claim, thats your fault, not ours. Clever strategy, therefore Harikes is their hero, he outlined how to efficiently fleece people and later on send them to social welfare office.


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