Thursday, June 5, 2014

Dear Krishna Kirtan (from PADA)

Dear Krishna Kirtan prabhu. With all due respect my dear friend, most of the issues you are now discussing such as: The bogus 11,  Jayatirtha's decapitation, Ramesvara's "dating" a female student, Bhavananda's problems and so on and so forth, are ALL things we were discussing starting in the early 1980s. In fact, we were among the first to report many of these things over the years in our newsletters. You, and many like you are just finally catching up to speed, that's all.

You are basically repeating and rehashing old stories we were dishing out 20 -30 years ago. Meanwhile, you are oddly saying we are distorting the facts, while at the same time, you are repeating all of our facts. You are repeating exactly verbatim what we said way back in the day, and trying to make it look like recent news. You are one of our best parrots.

We have not mis-represented anything, everything we said was going on has been validated by the police, FBI, media, courts etc. and is now being accepted by thousands of devotees, including you. We have not misrepresented the facts, all the facts you now state, were stated by us 20 years ago. You are NOW our best parrot, that's all you have become. When you parrot all of our statements over the past 20 years, and at the same time, say its all "PADA" lies, you make yourself sound like a lunatic. If everything we said is a lie, and you are repeating these alleged lies, you are fighting with your own shadow. Yes, PADA is a liar, hence, I am his parrot. You are arguing with your own shadow.

Same problem we have with your pal Prahlad, he says that ISKCON is: (A) The Draco Constellation serpent people managed program, ok also managed along with some alleged Jewish bankers, and of course its also run by the Illuminati, -- so its a demon controlled corporation, which eats up devotees and children for lunch. However (B) If anyone criticizes Prahlad's Draco constellation and Illuminati controlled corporation -- that he is self-evidently madly in love with, he cries like a lost puppy that we are wrecking his devotee and child munching program, because he is in love with it. Prahlad was even saying that his Illuminati program that gobbles up devotees is "the golden spiritual body." Really, are you people smoking something? The Illuminati is the golden spiritual body?

You are doing the same thing, you say its a demon operation, then you cry like a lost puppy that we made your demon operation lose several hundred children members from its schools, because you and Prahlad wanted these children to remain in the control of your Illuminati managed schools, run by your wonderful Illuminati program. You people are fighting with, yourselves. Anytime you want to start making sense, let me know. ys pd  

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